كان لاعبو آرسنال يمارسون تمرينهم ويؤدون مبارياتهم في ملعب

كان لاعبو آرسنال يمارسون تمرينهم وي

كان لاعبو آرسنال يمارسون تمرينهم ويؤدون مبارياتهم في ملعب "مانور غرواند" الواقع في مقاطعة بلمستيد بجنوب لندن، وذلك عندما كان النادي لا يزال حديث النشأة، وقد أمضوا أيضًا ثلاث سنوات (من سنة 1890 حتى سنة 1893) في ملعب "إنفيكتا غراوند" المجاور، قبل أن يعودوا لملعبهم الأصلي، الذي كان في بادئ الأمر عبارة عن حقل عشبي فحسب، حتى تمّ بناء مدرجات وشرفات قادرة على استيعاب الجماهير المتوقع حضورها في أول مباراة للفريق في الدوري، وذلك في شهر سبتمبر من عام 1893. استمر ذلك الملعب الأرض الأم للنادي طيلة 20 سنة، وقد لعبوا عليه كافة مبارياتهم لتلك الفترة (عدا مرتان في موسم 1894–95)، إلى أن انتقلوا إلى شمال لندن سنة 1913.
اتخذ النادي من ملعب هايبري أرضًا له بدءًا من عام 1913، واستمروا على هذا حتى شهر مايو من عام 2006، فعُرف الملعب بملعب آرسنال، نظرًا لاستخدامه من قبل نفس الفريق لمدة طويلة جدًا. صُمم الملعب الأصلي وتم تجديده على يد المهندس المعماري أرتشيبالد ليتش، الذي جعله مشابهًا لجميع ملاعب كرة القدم في المملكة المتحدة بتلك الفترة، فكان فيه منصة واحدة مغطاة وثلاثة شرفات مفتوحة. أعيد تصميم الملعب بشكل كبير خلال عقد الثلاثينيات من القرن العشرين، فتم بناء منصتين جديدتين في غربه وشرقه، على نمط الآرت ديكو، وافتتحتا في عاميّ 1932 و 1936 على التوالي، كما أضيف سقف إلى منصة الجلوس الشمالية، التي قُصفت خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، ولم يُعاد بناؤها حتى عام 1954.
كان سعة الملعب سالف الذكر تصل إلى 60,000 متفرّج في أقصى الحالات، أما سعته الطبيعية فاستمرت تصل إلى 57,000 متفرّج حتى أوائل عقد التسعينيات من القرن العشرين. اضطر النادي إلى تحويل الملعب إلى ملعب كامل المقاعد، أي ملء جميع الشرفات الفارغة حيث يقف الحضور بعدد ملائم من الكراسي، بحلول موسم 1993–94، وذلك بعد أن أجبرت قوانين تقرير تايلور والدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز حديثة الصدور، جميع النوادي على الالتزام بمعيار معين لتنظيم الملاعب، وبناءً على هذا، زادت سعة الملعب حتى وصلت إلى 38,419 مشاهد،[50] لكنها كان تُخفّض عمدًا خلال مباريات دوري أبطال أوروبا، كي يُفسح المجال لوضع اللوحات الإعلانية، لذلك لعب آرسنال معظم مبارياته في دوري أبطال أوروبا على امتداد موسمين، من سنة1998 إلى سنة 2000، في ملعب ويمبلي، الذي تصل سعته إلى أكثر من 70,000 متفرّج.
كان مشروع توسعة ملعب هايبري من المشارع صعبة التنفيذ، نظرًا لأن المدرّج الشرقي منه أُدرج ضمن قائمة المباني التاريخية من المرتبة الثانية في لندن، وهي تلك المباني القديمة التي يُحظر هدمها أو إجراء أي تعديل عليها، نظرًا لأهميتها التاريخية ولاستخدامها المستمر من قبل الناس، أما المدرجات الثلاثة الباقية، فتقع على مقربة من مبان ومساكن، وهدمها قد يُعرض حياة السكان أو ممتلكاتهم للخطر. أدّت هذه الحظورات إلى تقليل نسبة الربح الذي تعود به مباراة واحدة في النهار على النادي، وذلك طيلة عقد التسعينيات والعقد الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين، أي خلال الفترة التي شهدت ازدهارًا لكرة القدم وانتشارًا واسعًا لشعبيتها، وتوافدًا قل مثيله على الملاعب لمتابعة المباريات. وبعد أن طرح المسؤولون عدّة حلول، استقر الرأي في سنة 2000 على بناء ملعب جديد تصل سعته إلى 60,355 متفرّج، في أشبرتون جروف، شمال لندن، على بعد 500 متر شمال غرب ملعب هايبري. بلغت كلفة المشروع 390 مليون جنيه استرليني، وانتهى العمل على بناء الملعب الجديد في سنة 2006، على الرغم من تأخر تنفيذه في البداية بسبب الروتين الحكومي وارتفاع التكاليف ، وافتتح في شهر يوليو من نفس العام، في يوم اعتزال لاعب آرسنال السابق الهولندي دنيس بيركامب، ومع بداية موسم 2006–07. عُرف الملعب عند افتتاحه باسم أشبرتون جروف قبل أن يتم الإعلان عن توقيع صفقة لشراء حقوق اسم الملعب مع طيران الإمارات في عام 2004، وقد بلغت قيمة هذه الصفقة 100 مليون جنيه استرليني، وهي الأكبر في تاريخ كرة القدم الإنجليزية، فأصبح يُعرف باسم "ملعب الإمارات". استمر بعض المشجعين يُطلقون على الملعب تسمية "أشبرتون جروف"، بما أنهم لم يوافقوا على رعاية أي شركة لأسماء الملاعب. أصبحت منصات النادي تُعرف، منذ بداية موسم 2010–11، بأسماء رسمية مميزة، وهي: الضفة الشمالية، المنصة الشرقية، المنصة الغربية، وطرف الساعة.
يمارس لاعبو آرسنال تدريباتهم في مركز شينلي للتدريب الواقع في هيرفوردشير، وهو مركز مخصص للتدريب فقط، افتتح في سنة 1999، أما قبل ذلك التاريخ فكان النادي يستخدم بعض المراكز القريبة من أرضه، والمملوكة من قبل اتحاد الطلاب في جامعة كلية لندن، لممارسة تمارينهم، كما كان أعضاء الفريق يتدربون في ملعب هايبري قبل سنة 1961. تلعب فرق آرسنال للناشئين تحت 18 سنة جميع مبارياتها في ملعب شينلي، بينما تلعب فرق الاحتياط مبارياتها في استاد أندرهيل، وهو أرض فريق بارنت.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Arsenal players were practicing their practice and perform their games at Stadium "ghroand Manor Estate in plumstead district in South London, when the Club was still a novelty, and also spent three years (from year 1890 until 1893) at Stadium" anvikta ground "next, before returning to their court the original, which was initially a grassy field, balconies and terraces were built even able to accommodate the fans expected to attend the first game for the team in the League, and in September of the year 1893. Keep that field of mother earth for the Club for 20 years, and they played all their games for that period (except twice in season 1894 – 95), that moved to North London in 1913.Stadium Club took down his beginning in 1913, and continued this until May of 2006, Arsenal Stadium Stadium knew, as used by the same team for a very long time. Original and renovated Stadium designed by architect Archibald Leitch, who make it similar to all football stadiums in the United Kingdom in that period, which had a single platform and three open balconies. The stadium was redesigned significantly during the Decade of the 1930s, built two new West and East, art deco style, who opened in 1932 and 1936 respectively, as added seating platform roof, which bombed during World War II, and not rebuilt until 1954.It was the aforementioned Stadium capacity up to 60,000 spectators in the extreme cases, either natural capacity persisted up to 57,000 spectators until the early 1990s. The Club was forced to convert the stadium to a full stadium seating, which fill all empty terraces where stands the audience an appropriate number of chairs, by 1993 – 94 season, having forced Taylor report laws and modern English Premier League chests, all clubs to adhere to a certain standard to organize playgrounds, building on this, the stadium capacity to 38,419 scenes, [50] but it was deliberately reduced during Champions League matches, so lends itself to place billboards, so playing arsenal most of their games in the Champions League Europe over two seasons, from 1998 to 2000, at Wembley Stadium, in which up to more than 70,000 spectators.Stadium expansion project was of primers difficult to implement, because the eastern runway included in historical building from second place in London, are those old buildings demolished or prohibited any amendment, due to its historical significance and for continuous use by people, the remaining three terraces, located close to the buildings and residences, demolish might endanger lives or property. Detectability led to reduce the proportion of the profit by one game in the daytime on the Club throughout the 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century, during the boom period for football and widespread popularity, and are witnessing similar to say for a football game here. After that, officials raised several solutions, established in 2000 to build a new stadium up to 60,355 spectators, in ashbrton Grove, North London, after 500 meters Northwest of Highbury. The project cost £ 390 million, and ended up working on building a new stadium in 2006, although initially delayed because of red tape and rising costs, and opened in July of the same year, the former arsenal player to retire from the day the Dutchman Dennis Bergkamp, with the start of season 2006 – 07. Custom field when it opened in the name of ashbrton Grove before announcement of signing a deal to buy the rights to name the stadium with Emirates in 2004, this amounted to £ 100 million deal, the largest in the history of English football, it became known as the "Emirates Stadium." Keep some fans call the stadium named "ashbrton Grove, they had turned on the care of any company for the names of stadiums. Club platforms became known, since the beginning of the season 2010-11, official names, are: North Bank, East West platform platform, one hour.Arsenal players were practised in xinli Center training located in Herefordshire, a status reserved for training only, opened in 1999, prior to that date it was the Club uses some nearby centres his land, owned by the Student Union at University College London, to exercise workout, as team members are trained in Highbury before 1961. Arsenal's junior teams play under 18 all its matches in Shanley's stadium, while reserve teams play Robin Underhill Stadium, Barnet group land.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The players of Arsenal exercising their exercise and perform their games at the stadium , "Manor Gerwand" located in Plumstead Province , south London, when the club was still nascent, has also spent three years (from 1890 until the year 1893) in the court of "Invicta Ground" next door, before returning to the original stadium, which was initially a only herbaceous field, even been built terraces and balconies able to accommodate the expected presence in the first match of the team in the league the masses, and so in September of 1893. that lasted pitch Mother Earth for the club throughout 20 years old, has played it all their games for that period (except for twice in the 1894-95 season), to be moved to the north of London in 1913. the
club was taken from the Highbury ground to him starting in 1913, and continued this until may of 2006 , I knew the pitch Arsenal stadium, due to its use by the same team for a very long time. Designed the original stadium was renovated by the architect Archibald Leitch, who made ​​him akin to all football stadiums in the United Kingdom that period, which was covered with a single platform and three open - air balconies. Redesigned pitch dramatically during the thirties of the twentieth century, and was building two platforms new in the west and east, Art deco, and Avctana in 1932 and 1936 respectively, and added a roof to the northern sit platform, which bombed during World War II, and did not rebuilt until 1954. the
stadium was the aforementioned capacity of up to 60,000 spectators in the extreme cases, but she continued to its normal capacity of up to 57,000 spectators until the early nineties of the twentieth century. Forced the club to convert the stadium to a full seat stadium, which fill all the empty balconies where they stand attend appropriate number of chairs, by the 1993-94 season, after having forced the laws of Taylor Report English Premier League new breasts, all clubs to adhere to a certain standard to regulate the stadiums and based on this, the stadium capacity increased until it reached 38,419 viewers, [50] but was cut intentionally during Champions League matches, so that lends itself to put billboards, so Arsenal played most of their games in the Champions League over two seasons, from 1998 to 2000, at Wembley Stadium, whose capacity of up to more than 70,000 spectators.
the expansion of Highbury difficult implementation primers project, because the eastern runway of it was included in the list of historic buildings from the second place in London, those old buildings which prohibits demolition or modifying it, due to its historical significance and the continuous use by the people, while the remaining three terraces, is located close to the buildings and houses, and demolition could expose people 's lives or property at risk. This Alhzawrat led to reduced profit resulting from the one game in the daytime on the club proportion, and so throughout the nineties and the first decade of the atheist and the twentieth century, during the period that saw booming football and widespread of its popularity, and Toalfda unparalleled on the stadiums to watch the matches. Having put forward several solutions to the officials, it was resolved in 2000 to build a new stadium with a capacity of up to 60,355 spectators, in Ohberton Grove, north London, just 500 meters north - west of Highbury. Cost of the project amounted to 390 million pounds, and finished work on building a new stadium in 2006, despite the delay in its implementation in the beginning because of government red tape and rising costs, opened in July of the same year, on the retirement of former Arsenal player Dutchman Dennis Bergkamp, ​​however the beginning of the 2006-07 season. He knew the stadium when it opened as the Ohberton Grove before the announcement of the signing of a deal to buy rights to the stadium name with Emirates in 2004, and the value of the deal amounted to 100 million pounds, the largest in the history of English football, became known as the "Emirates Stadium" . Some fans continued to call the stadium renamed "Ohberton Grove," Since they did not agree to take care of any company for the names of stadiums. Became the club platforms you know, since the beginning of the 2010-11 season, the distinctive formal names, namely: North West, platform East, Western platform, party time.
Practiced players Arsenal trained in Hinley Training Center , located in Herefordshire, which is only a dedicated training center, opened in in 1999, while before that date was the club uses some close to home centers, owned by the student Union at the University College London, to practice their maneuvers, as was the team members are trained in Highbury before 1961. play Arsenal teams U-18 All matches Hinley in the stadium, while the reserve teams play their games at Underhill Stadium, a ground team Barnet.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
It was Arsenal"s players have their apprenticeship and their stadium "Ghrwand Manor" in Blmstyd District in South London, a newly established when the club was still and has also spent three years (from 1890 to 1893) in the field Anfykta ground "next to the original, before returning down the field. Originally it is a field of grass, so was constructed of terraces and balconies are able to absorb the expected audience attendance in the first game of the league. In September 1893. The stadium continued, mother earth has played for the club for 20 years, all of their (except for twice in season 1894, 95), it moved to North London in 1913.Took the club from the Arsenal Stadium land, starting from 1913, and from 2006 until May, Furf stadium stadium, Arsenal, because the use of by the same team for a very long time. The original and revamped stadium was designed by the architect Archibald Leitch, who made him Mshabhana all football stadiums in the United Kingdom at the time, and it platform one covered three open terraces. The stadium was redesigned significantly during thirties of the twentieth century, the construction of two new on the West and the East, the art deco style, in the course of Waftthta 1932 and 1936, respectively, the roof was also added to the seating platform north, which was bombed during World War Second, and was not rebuilt until 1954.The stadium capacity was up to 60,000 above Mtfraj, at most, the natural capacity of up to 57,000. The Mtfraj until early nineties of the twentieth century.. The club had to convert the stadium seats to the stadium full, fill all the empty terraces in terms of attendance in an appropriate range of chairs, stands by the 1993 - 94 season after the Taylor report laws forced the English Premier League and newly issued, all the clubs stadiums planning to a certain standard, based on this, the more stadium capacity reaching 38,419 viewers, [50] but it was reduced on purpose. During the UEFA Champions League matches, so as to allow for paintings The ad, so most matches played for Arsenal in the UEFA Champions League over two seasons, from 1998 to 2000, at Wembley Stadium, up a capacity of more than 70,000 Mtfraj.It was Arsenal Stadium expansion project of the projects difficult to implement, because the East grandstand which was included in the list of historic buildings from the second place in London, and that the old buildings not demolished or an amendment thereto, because of the historical significance and their continued use by people, the remaining stands, 3D, is located in close proximity. Demolition of buildings and houses, may jeopardize the lives or property. These prohibitions have to reduce the amount of profit that one game back in the day. Throughout nineties, as the first decade of the twenty-first century, i.e. during the period of football Azdharana Wantsharana broad, its popularity, Wtwafdana say its like playing fields for games. After asking the officials of several solutions, it was decided in 2000 to build a new stadium with capacity for up to 60,355 Mtfraj at Ashburton grove, North London about 500 meters northwest of Ml
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