The Prophet, peace be upon him in all matters teaches us الاستخارة also teaches us Sura of the Koran says:If you are interested فليركع two rakaats of non-duty and then falling short
Oh God, I am استخيرك you may incur واستقدرك being able first I want to ask you about the great please you are estimated and appreciate and learn, and I don't know you is the KnowerIf you know that this is the best me in religious ومعاشى The consequence is Emery or said urgent Emery-black darkness فاقدره me and pleased me and then park me and you knowThis is the evil of me in religious ومعاشى The consequence is Emery or said in urgent Emery-black darkness فاصرفه me واصرفنى him and I appreciate me the good, where he was then ارضنى said
need, poorness, want, necessity, requirement, bareness, deficiency, poverty
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