الحب هو اثنان يضحكان للأشياء نفسها، يحزنان في اللحظة نفسها، يشتعلانو ينطفئان معاً بعود كبريت واحد ، دون تنسيق أو اتّفاق. - احلام مستغانمي(من رواية الاسود يليق بك)
Love is two things for herself laughing, Ihznan in the same moment, Astalano Antafian together lute sulfur one, without coordination or agreement. - Dreams Mosteghanemi (from the novel befitting your black)
Love it two laughing for the same things, they become sad at the same moment, ystalano they go out together in one, without Rod sulfur coordination or agreement. -Ahlam mosteghanemi (novel black fit)
Love is the two laughing at same things, يحزنان in same moment, يشتعلانو ينطفئان together one sulfur resumption, without coordination or an agreement. - dreams of Mstghanmi)from the novel of black suits you)