ت‌. الطريقة السمعية الشفوية (Audio-lingual method):-ظهرت هذه الطريقة ر terjemahan - ت‌. الطريقة السمعية الشفوية (Audio-lingual method):-ظهرت هذه الطريقة ر Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ت‌. الطريقة السمعية الشفوية (Audio-

ت‌. الطريقة السمعية الشفوية (Audio-lingual method):-
ظهرت هذه الطريقة ردا على طريقة النحو والترجمة والطريقة المباشرة معا في جانب، واستجابة لاهتمام متزايد بتعلم اللغات الأجنبية في أمريكا في الخمسينيات والستينيات من القرن الماضي في جانب آخر. وكان هذا الاهتمام بتعلم اللغات الأجنبية ينتج من سياسة أمريكا في متابعة ما جرى في العالم من التطورات سواء كانت في المجال العلمي أم في المجال العسكري. فقد أدى ذلك إلى ضرورة إعادة النظر إلى أساليب تعليم اللغة الأجنبية وتعلمها التي كانت لا تزال متأثرة بطريقة النحو والترجمة والطريقة المباشرة. ثم أجريت العديد من الدراسات اللغوية التي انتهت إلى ظهور نظرات جديدة نحو اللغة منها: أن اللغة كلام وليست كتابة، وأنها مجموعة من العادات، وأنها ما يمارسها أهلها وليست ما يظن أنه ينبغي أن يمارس. ويترتب على هذه المبادئ الجديدة ظهور طريقة جديدة في مجال تعليم اللغات الأجنبية وهي ما يسمى بالطريقة السمعية الشفوية.
من أهم افتراضات هذه الطريقة ومبادئها التدريسية ما يلي:
1. اللغة أساسًا كلام، أما الكتابة فهي تمثيل جزئي للكلام. ولذلك يجب أن ينصب الاهتمام في تعليم اللغات الأجنبية على الكلام، وليس على القراءة والكتابة.
2. يجب أن يسير تعليم اللغة الأجنبية بموجب تسلسل معين هو: الاستماع، ثم الكلام، ثم القراءة، ثم الكتابة. وهذا يعني أن يستمع المتعلم أولا، ثم يقول ما استمع إليه، ثم يقرأ ما قال، ثم يكتب عما قرأ.
3. طريقة تعلم اللغة الأجنبية تماثل طريقة اكتساب الطفل لغته الأم. فهو يستمع أولا، ثم يحاكي ما استمع إليه، ثم يذهب إلى المدرسة ليتعلم القراءة ثم الكتابة.
4. أفضل طريقة لاكتساب اللغة الأجنبية هي تكوين العادات اللغوية عن طريق المران على القوالب.
5. إن ما يحتاج إليه المتعلم هو تعلم اللغة الأجنبية، وليس التعلم عنها. وهذا يعنى أنه بحاجة إلى التمرن على نطقها، ولا إلى معرفة قوانينها وتحليلاتها اللغوية.
6. الترجمة تضر تعلم اللغة الأجنبية، ولا داعي لاستخدامها.
7. أفضل مدرس للغة الأجنبية هو الناطق الأصلي المدرَّب.
من مزايا هذه الطريقة:
1. إنها تنطلق من تصور صحيح للغة ووظيفتها كوسيلة للاتصال بين الناس.
2. إن الترتيب الذى يتم به تدريس المهارات اللغوية الأربع استماع فكلام فقراءة فكتابة ترتيب يتفق مع الطريقة التي يتعلم بها الإنسان لغته الأولي.
3. تشبع هذه الطريقة كثيرا من الحاجات النفسية عند الدارسين من حيث تمكينهم من استخدام اللغة وتوظيفها.
لقد واجهت هذه الطريقة انتقادات أهمها ما يلي:
1. إنَّها تركز على الكلام على حساب المهارات اللغوية الأخرى التي لاتقل أهمية عن الكلام. والكلام ليس الشكل الوحيد للغة.
2. إنَّ ترتيب المهارات من استماع إلى كلام إلى قراءة إلى كتابة ليس ترتيبا قطعيًا ملزمًا، إذ يمكن تعليم هذه المهارات أو بعضها في وقت واحد وليس بالضرورة على وجه تتابعي.
3. اكتساب اللغة الأجنبية يختلف اختلافًا جوهريًا عن اكتساب اللغة الأم. فعند اكتساب اللغة الأم يكون الطفل مرتبطًا عاطفيًا بوالديه وأسرته، ويكون بحاجة إلى اللغة ليعبر عن حاجاته الأساسية وعواطفه وأفكاره. وعند اكتساب اللغة الأجنبية، لا يكون لدى المتعلم ارتباط عاطفي قوي بالمعلم، كما لا تكون لديه نفس الحاجة إلى تعلم اللغة الأجنبية حيث تكون لديه لغة أخرى يعبر بها عن عواطفه وأفكاره.
4. اكتساب اللغة الأجنبية بالتكرار ممكن، ولكن هذا الاكتساب يكون أسرع لو رافق التكرار إدراك لماهية اللغة وماهية تراكيبها وعلاقاتها. وهذا ما يجعل للأحكام النحوية دورا تلعبه.
5. من الممكن استخدام الترجمة في تعليم اللغة الأجنبية بطريق حكيمة تفيد المتعلم وتوفر الوقت والجهد للمعلم والمتعلم على حد سواء.
6. ليس صحيحا أن الناطق الأصلي هو أفضل معلم للغة الأجنبية، لأنه غالبا ما لا يدرك مشكلات الطلاب مع اللغة التي يتعلمونها ولا يستطيع التنبؤ بأخطائهم ولا تفسيرها، ومرد ذلك إلى أنه لم يمر بتجربة تعلم اللغة التي يعلمها بوصفها لغة أجنبية.
ث‌. الطريقة الانتقائية
ظهرت هذه الطريقة ردا على الطريقة القواعد والترجمة والطريقة المباشرة والطريقة السمعية الشفوية معًا ومحاولة الاستفادة من هذه الطرائق الثلاث في نفس الوقت. ويرى أنصار هذه الطريقة أنَّ نجاح عملية تدريس اللغة الأجنبية وفعاليتها لن يتحقق بطريقة تدريس واحدة وإنما بعدة طرائق ينتقى منها ما يناسب المتعلم ومواقف تعليمية يجد نفسه فيها.
ومن الافتراضات الكامنة وراء الطريقة الانتقائية هي:
1. كل طريقة في التدريس لها محاسنها ويمكن الاستفادة منها في تدريس اللغة الأجنبية.
2. لا توجد طريقة مثالية تمامًا، أو خاطئة تمامًا، ولكل طريقة مزايا وعيوب وحجج لها وحجج عليها.
3. من الممكن النظر إلى الطرائق الثلاث السابقة على أساس أن بعضها يكمل البعض الآخر بدلاً من النظر إليها على أساس أنها متعارضة أو متناقضة.
4. لا توجد طريقة تدريس واحدة تناسب جميع الأهداف وجميع الطلاب وجميع المعلمين وجميع أنواع برامج تدريس اللغات الأجنبية.
5. المهم في التدريس التركيز على المتعلم وحاجاته، وليس الولاء لطريقة تدريس معينة على حساب حاجات المتعلم.
6. على المعلم أن يشعر أنه حر في استخدام الأساليب التي تناسب طلابه بغض النظر عن انتماء الأساليب لطرق تدريس مختلفة. إذ من الممكن أن يختار المعلم من كل طريقة الأسلوب أو الأساليب التي تناسب حاجات طلابه وتناسب الموقف التعليمي التعلمي الذى يجد المعلم نفسه فيه.
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Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
T. How audio oral (Audio-lingual method):This way appeared in response to the way grammar and translation and direct way together, in part, in response to a growing interest in learning foreign languages in America in the 1950s and 1960s in the other. And it was this interest in learning foreign languages resulting from the policy of America in follow-up to what happened in the world of developments, whether in science or in the military field. It has led to the necessity of reconsidering foreign language teaching methods and learning which was still affected by the method of grammar and translation and direct way. And then held many linguistic studies that led to the emergence of new insights about which language: language is words, not writing, it's a set of habits, it is exercisable by her family and is not what he thinks it should be practiced. These new principles of the emergence of a new method in teaching of foreign languages and the so-called audio oral way. The most important assumptions and principles of teaching in this way:1. language primarily words, either writing it is a partial representation of speech. We must therefore focus on teaching foreign languages, rather than reading and writing.2. must go foreign language teaching under the given sequence is: listen, then speak, then reading, then write. This means that the learner listens first, then say what I listen to, and read what he said, then writes about what he read.3. foreign language learning method similar to the way a child's mother tongue acquisition. It is heard first, then emulates listened, then go to school to learn to read and write.4. the best way to acquire a foreign language is to configure language habits by demonstration templates.5. that the learner is learning a foreign language, not learning. This means that you need to practice pronunciation, and not to learn the language laws and analyses.6. translation of foreign language learning, harm need not be used.7. best foreign language teacher is native-speaking instructor.The advantages of this method:1. visualize it correctly and function of language as a means of communication between people.2. the order in which they are teaching the four language skills listening, reading writing mother boards order consistent with the way in which human learn the first language.3. saturation this method many psychological needs when learners in terms of enabling them to use the language and employment.I've encountered this way criticism notably include:1. It focuses on speech at the expense of other language skills at least as important as the words. And speech is not the only form of language.2. arranging skills of listening to speech read to write a final arrangement is not binding, can teach these skills or some of them at one time and not necessarily in sequential.3. the acquisition of foreign languages varies substantially from the acquisition of the mother tongue. When you acquire a mother tongue the child is emotionally attached to his parents, his family, and need the language for expressing basic needs and emotions and thoughts. When acquiring a foreign language, the learner does not have strong emotional link with the teacher, nor have the same need to learn a foreign language so have another language which expresses his emotions and thoughts.4. foreign language acquisition possible iteration, but this acquisition be faster if accompanied by the repetition of what language is and what the sequences and relationships. This makes the grammatical role played by provisions.5. possible use of translation in foreign language teaching by wise according to learner and save time and effort for teacher and learner alike.6. it is not true to the original is the best spokesman for foreign language teacher, because he often did not understand the problems of students with the language they are learning and cannot predict their mistakes and are not interpreted, because it did not pass the language learning experience known as a foreign language.W. The selective mannerThis way appeared in response to the way rules and translation and the direct method and the way audio interpretation together and try to take advantage of these three modalities at the same time. And proponents of this method is that the success of the process of foreign language teaching and its effectiveness will be achieved by way of teaching one, but several methods of selecting them as appropriate for the learner and learning attitudes finds himself.And assumptions underlying the selective manner are:1. all the way in her teaching pros and can make use of in foreign language teaching.2. There is no way perfect or completely wrong, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method and its arguments and arguments.3. it is possible to look at the previous three modalities on the basis that each complements the others rather than on the basis of it conflicting or contradictory.4. There is no way to teach one to suit all objectives and all students and all teachers and all kinds of programmes for teaching foreign languages.5. important teaching focus on the learner's needs, not loyalty to certain teaching at the expense of the needs of the learner.6. the teacher that he feels free to use methods that suit students regardless of the affiliation of the methods for different teaching methods. Could the teacher chooses each method the method or methods that suit the needs of students and educational learning attitude which finds the teacher himself.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
T. Oral way audio (Audio-lingual method): -
This method emerged in response to the way as the direct translation together in the side and the way, in response to a growing interest in learning foreign languages ​​in America in the fifties and sixties of the last century on the other side. This was the interest in learning foreign languages ​​is produced from American policy in the follow-up to what happened in the world of developments, whether in the scientific field or in the military field. Has led to the need to reconsider the methods of foreign language teaching and learning which was still affected in a manner as translation and direct way. Many linguistic studies which ended with the emergence of new insights about language which then carried out: that the words of the language and not in writing, and as a set of habits, and they practiced what people think, not what it should be practiced. It follows the principles of this new emergence of a new method in the field of teaching foreign languages, a so-called audio-verbal way.
Of the most important assumptions and principles of this method of teaching the following:
1. Basically the word of the language, but they are writing a partial representation of the words. We must therefore focus on the teaching of foreign languages ​​to speak, and not on reading and writing.
2. Must go foreign language teaching under a particular sequence is: listen, then speak, then reading, then writing. This means that the learner listen first, then say what he listened to him, and then read what he said, then he writes what he read.
3. Method of learning a foreign language similar to the way the acquisition of the child to his mother tongue. He listens first, then simulates what listened to him, then go to school to learn to read and write.
4 for sale. The best way to acquire foreign language is the formation of language habits through training session on the
templates.. 5. What is needed is a learner learning a foreign language, not learning about them. This means that he needs to practice your pronunciation, and to know the laws and linguistic analysis.
6. Translator detrimental to learning a foreign language, there is no need to be used.
7. Best foreign language teacher is a native-speaking coach.
Of the advantages of this method:
1. It stems from the perception is true to the language and function as a means of communication between people.
2. The order in which they are teaching the four language skills listening cause harm its poor Posting in the order is consistent with the way in which humans learn the primary language.
3. Saturation This method is a lot of psychological needs when students in terms of enabling them to use the language and employment.
I have encountered criticism this method including the following:
1. It focuses on speech and other language skills that are not less important than the speech account. The talk is not the only form of the language.
2. The order of the skills of listening-to-speech to read to write an arrangement is not strictly binding, they could teach these skills or some of them at one time and not necessarily in a sequential.
3. The acquisition of foreign language fundamentally different from the acquisition of the mother tongue. When the acquisition of the mother tongue of the child is emotionally linked to his parents and his family, and the need to have the language to express basic emotions, thoughts and needs. When the acquisition of foreign language, do not have a learner's strong emotional connection to the teacher, and not have the same need for learning a foreign language where he has another language he expresses his emotions and thoughts.
4 for sale. The acquisition of foreign language repetitive as possible, but this acquisition is faster if accompanied by repetition realization of what language and what their structures and relationships. This is what makes the provisions of the grammatical role to
play.. 5. It is possible to use the translation in foreign language teaching by way of a wise benefit the learner and the availability of time and effort to the teacher and learner alike.
6. It is not true that the original spokesman is the best teacher of foreign language, because it often does not realize the problems of the students with the language they learn by their mistakes and can not predict or interpret, owing to it did not pass the experience of learning the language he knows as a foreign language.
w. Way selective
appeared this way in response to the way the rules, translation and direct way and the way audio oral together and try to take advantage of these three methods at the same time. Supporters of this approach believe that the success of the Foreign Language Teaching process and its effectiveness will not be achieved in a way teaching one but a number of ways, including selected what suits the learner and teaching positions in which he finds himself.
It is the underlying assumptions behind the method is selective:
1. Each method in teaching has both advantages and can be used in teaching foreign language.
2. There is no perfect way completely, or completely wrong, and each method and the advantages and disadvantages of her arguments and the arguments of them.
3. It is possible to look at the previous three methods on the basis that each complements the others instead of looking at them on the basis of it conflicting or contradictory.
4 for sale. There is no way of teaching one to suit all the goals and all the students and all the teachers and all kinds of foreign language teaching
programs.. 5. It is important to focus on teaching and learner needs, not loyalty to a particular method of teaching at the expense of the needs of the learner.
6. The teacher feels that it is free to use methods that fit his students regardless of affiliation methods to different ways of teaching. It is possible to choose the teacher of each method method or methods that suit the needs of his students and fit learning classroom teacher who finds himself in it.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
T. The aural oral method Audio-lingual method (
).This method appeared in response to grammar translation method, direct method, together with and in response to the growing interest in learning foreign languages in America in fifties and sixties. In another aspect.The interest in learning the foreign language is produced from the American policy to follow up developments in the world, whether in science or in the military.This has led to the need to review the methods of foreign language teaching and learning, which was still affected by the grammar translation method, direct method.And then carried out numerous linguistic studies which led to the emergence of new approaches towards language: language, speech and writing, and a set of customs, and what are the people and I think it should be.It follows that the emergence of the new new way to teach foreign languages which is called aural oral method. "One of the most important assumptions of this method and its teaching:
1.Language is primarily speech and writing are partial representation of speech. Therefore, we must focus on teaching foreign languages to speak, and to read and write.
2. Foreign language teaching should go under the given sequence is:Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This means that the learner's listening first, then say, listen to what he said, then read and write than read.
3. The way to learn a foreign language similar to how the child's acquisition of his mother tongue.Listen first, and then simulates what listen to him, then went to school to learn to read and write.
4. The best way to acquire a foreign language language habits are configured via templates. Learning to
5.What is needed, the learner is to learn a foreign language, not learn from them. This means you need to practice pronunciation, and to learn their language. Analysis of
6. Translation affect foreign language learning, and there is no need to use.
7.The best teachers for foreign language is the original language trained. Advantages of this method:
. It starts from a correct perception of language and its function as a medium of communication between people. "2.The arrangement, which is by the teaching of language skills during the hearing, the reading Fktabt arrangement in accordance with the method that learns the initial language.
3.The saturation of this way too much of the psychological needs of students in terms of their language use and employment. This criticism method, including the following:

I experienced 1.It really focuses on the speech at the expense of other language skills, which is just as important as the words. Speech is not the only form of language.
2.The arrangement of the skills of listening to speech to read to write is not a Qtyana Mlzmana, they can teach these skills, one at a time but not necessarily. In the sequential.
3.Foreign language acquisition are different different nature of native language acquisition. When the mother of the child language acquisition linked Atfyana with parents and family, and need a language to express their basic needs Wwatfh and ideas.Upon the acquisition of a foreign language, the learner does not have a strong emotional attachment that the teacher also does not have the same need to learn a foreign language, where language others express their emotions and thoughts. "4.Foreign language acquisition iteration is possible, but this acquisition to be faster if accompanied by repetitive grasp of the language and the Trakybha relationships. This makes grammatical rules had played an important role.
5.It is possible to use the translation in foreign language teaching by wise according to the learner, and save time and effort for both teachers and learners.
6.It is not true that the origin is the best teacher of foreign language, as he often did not understand the problems of students with the language they learn and can not predict their mistakes in interpretation because it did not experience language learning which is known asForeign.
w. A method of selective
this method appeared in response to oral combination method, grammar translation method, direct method, audio and try to make use of these methods. At the same time.According to the proponents of this method is that the success of the foreign language teaching and effective teaching can be achieved in a single, but in a number of ways to select what suits the learner's learning and finds himself. In it. "The assumptions underlying the method of selective:
1. Each teaching method have their advantages and could be used in the teaching of foreign language.
2.There is no perfect way completely, right or wrong, and each method has advantages and disadvantages. Her arguments, arguments on
3.The methods can be seen, the former on the basis of some complement each other, rather than seen as incompatible or contradictory.
4.There is no one size fits all the way teaching, all students and all teachers and all kinds of foreign language teaching programmes. "5. It is important in teaching, focus on the needs of the learner, not a particular devotion to teaching method on account of the needs of the learner. "6. The teacher should feel free to use methods that fit the students regardless of the background of the methods and various teaching methods.It is possible to choose the parameter of each method of method or techniques that fit the needs of students and the learning situation apprenticeship teacher who find themselves in
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