عدمنا خيلنا إن لم تروها *** تثير النقع موعدها كداءيبارين الأعنة مصعدات terjemahan - عدمنا خيلنا إن لم تروها *** تثير النقع موعدها كداءيبارين الأعنة مصعدات Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

عدمنا خيلنا إن لم تروها *** تثير ال

عدمنا خيلنا إن لم تروها *** تثير النقع موعدها كداءيبارين الأعنة مصعدات *** على أكتافها الأسل الظماءتظل جيادنا متمطرات *** تلطمهن بالخمر النساءفإما تعرضوا عنا اعتمرنا *** وكان الفتح وانكشف الغطاءوإلا فاصبروا لجلاد يوم *** يعز الله فيه ما يشاءوجبريل أمين الله فينا *** وروح القدس ليس له كفاءوقال الله قد أرسلت عبدا *** يقول الحق إن نفع البلاءشهدت به فقوما صدقوه *** فقلتم لا نقوم ولا نشاءوقال الله قد يسرت جندا ً *** هم الأنصار عرضتها اللقاءلنا في كل يوم من معد *** سباب أو قتال أو هجاءفنحكم بالقوافي من هجانا *** ونضرب حين تختلط الدماءألا أبلغ أبا سفيان عني *** فأنت مجوف نخب هواءبأن سيوفنا تركتك عبدا *** وعبد الدار سادتها الإماءهجوت محمدا فأجبت عنه *** وعند الله في ذاك الجزاءأتهجوه ولست له بكفء *** فشركما لخيركما الفداءهجوت مباركا برا حنيفا *** أمين الله شيمته الوفاءفمن يهجو رسول الله منكم *** ويمدحه وينصره سواءتحليل قصيدة حسان بن ثابتهو حسان بن ثابت بن المنذر الأنصاري جاهلي إسلامي متقدم الإسلام إلا أنه لم يشهد مع الرسول مشهداً عاش في الجاهلية ستين سنة وفي الإسلام ستين سنة ومات في خلافة معاوية ،. كان يفد على ملوك الغساسنة بالشام ويمدحهم وكذلك ملوك الروممناسبة القصيدةفي السنة السابعة من الهجرة عُقِد صلح بين رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وبين قريش على أَن يدْخُل المسلمون مكةَ للحج بعد عام. ولكن قريشاً نَقَضَتْ هذا العهد فجهز الرسولُ صلى الله عليه وسلم جيشاً قويًّا لمحاربةِ المشركين وفتح مكة. ولما كان الشعر في العصور القديمة وسيلة الإِعلام العامة. نزل ميدانَ الحرب واستخدمته الأطرافُ المتحاربةُ وأمر الرسُولُ صلى الله عليه وسلم به فقال: ” اهجُهُم يا حسانُ فإِن شعرك أَشدُّ عليهم من وقع السيوف ” لذلك انْبرى حسان بنُ ثابتٍ رضي اللّه عنه يهْجُو قريشاً ويُشِيدُ ببطولة المسلمين من الأنصار والمهاجرين وبشجاعتهم ويعلن تصميمهم على قتال المشركين وفتح مكة ما لم توافق قريش على دخول المسلمين مكة وأدائهم العمرةَ ، ويرد على أبي سفيان بن الحارث الذي هجا الرسول.الأفكار الرئيسة: تهديد الكافرين بحرب ينتصر فيها الحق – عَدِمْنا خيلنا إنْ لم تَرَوْها تُثيرُ النَّقْعَ مَوعِدُها كَدَاء :عدمنا خيلنا: أسلوب دعائي الغرض منه التأثير. تثير النقع : كناية عن اشتداد المعركةلا عاشت خيلنا إنْ لم تهاجمكم، أي دعاء على خيل المسلمين بالموت إنْ لم تهاجم الأعداء المشركين. في معركة شديدة يتصاعد منها الغبار قرب “كداء” في أطراف مكة– فإمَّا تُعْرضُوا عنا اعْتَمَرنا وكان الفتحُ وانكشَف الغِطاءُانكشف الغطاء:- استعارة تصريحية عبر عن إزالة الخلاف والعداوة بانكشاف الغطاءيخاطب الشاعر كفار قريش قائلا إذا لم تعترضوا طريق خيولنا وأخليتم لها الطريق ،سنزور بيت الله الحرام ونفتح مكة ،وسيزول غطاء الكفر الذي حجب النور– وإلا فاصبِروا لجلادِ يومٍ ُيعِزُّ الله فيه مَنْ يشاءيهدد الشاعر كفار قريش قائلا: إذا لم تستسلموا لجيش المسلمين ابشروا بحرب شديدة تتضارب بها السيوف،ويومها سيعز الله المسلمين ويتحقق النصر الذي وعد الله به عباده.الفكرة الثانية:الإشادة بالدعوة الإسلاميةوجبريلٌ أمينُ الله فينا وروحُ القُدْسِ ليس له كِفاءُيشيد الشاعر بالدعوة الإسلامية التي أرسلها الله عن طريق جبريل ويصف جبريل ب(روح القدس) لا مثيل في نقل الدعوة الاسلامية .ويقول بأنه لانظير له في نقل الدعوة الإسلامية للرسول الكريم.وقالَ اللهُ: قد أَرْسَلْتُ عَبْداً يقولُ الحَقَّ إنْ نَفَعَ البَلاءُيبين أن الله سبحانه وتعالى أرسل سيدنا محمد الذي لا يقول إلا الحق على البشرية، ويختبر الناس بالإيمان أو عدمه.شَهِدْتُ بهِ، فقُومُوا صَدِّقوهُ! فَقُلْتُمْ: لا نَقومُ ولا نَشاءُيقول الشاعر بأنه امن بالرسول ورسالته ،ويدعوا كفار قريش للإيمان به وتصديق رسالته ،ولكنهم يرفضون دعوته ويكفرون بها ،ويقولون بأنهم لا يريدون تصديق الرسول ورسالته .
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Adinma Khellna If you did not see *** raise Soaking time Kda <br>Ibarin Auriga Massadat *** on the shoulders of the asset Zme <br>remain Giadna Emtemtarat *** Tltmhn women wine <br>either exposed us Aatmrna *** was open and exposed the cover <br>and only Vasberoa executioner of the day *** cherishes God in him what he wants <br>and Jibril Secretary *** God in us and the Holy spirit has no Kavae <br>said God had sent a slave *** says that the right to the benefit of the scourge <br>saw him Vqoma Sedkoh *** Yet ye do not and starch <br>and said God had facilitated *** recruited they presented the Ansar meeting <br>us every day of contagious *** reasons or fighting or satire <br>Vengm Balquaa of Ahjana *** and multiply when mixed with blood <br>not Abu Sufyan told me *** Fa T hollow toast air <br>that left you a slave *** swords and Abdul Dar masters SLAVES <br>Hjot Muhammad *** he answered him and God in that penalty<br>Othjoh I have Bkive *** Fsharkma for Kharkme redemption <br>Hjot blessed land upleft *** Secretary of God bequeath to fulfill <br>it satirizes the Messenger of Allah and you *** praises and support him both a <br><br>poem Hassan bin analysis constant <br>is the constant bin Hassan bin Mundhir Al - Ansari jaahili Advanced Islamic Islam , but I have not seen a scene with the Apostle lived in ignorance of Islam sixty years old and in sixty years and died in the succession of Sid,. It was on the kings are coming Ghassanid Baham and praise them as well as the Roman kings <br>suitable poem<br>In the seventh year of immigration a reconciliation between the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him and the Quraish Muslims enter Mecca for Hajj after year. But Krisha reversed this covenant Fjhz Prophet peace be upon him a strong army to fight the infidels and the conquest of Mecca. Since the hair in ancient times and means of public media. War field came down and used by the warring parties and ordered the Prophet peace be upon him him , he said: "Ahjhm O Hassan, the hair more on them than signed swords" So kick Hassan ibn Thabit , may Allah be pleased with him satirizes Krisha and praises championship Muslims from al - Ansar, immigrants and their courage and declare their determination to fight the infidels and open Mecca , the Quraish did not agree to enter the Muslims of Mecca and performing Umrah, and respond to Abu Sufyan ibn al - Harith , who satirized the Prophet. <br>Main ideas: the threat of war unbelievers win the right <br>- Adinma Khellna if you did not see raise Soaking time Kda:<br>Adinma Khellna: style propaganda purpose of influence. Raises maceration: a metaphor for the intensification of the battle is <br>not lived Khellna if Thajmkm, any prayers on horses with death if Muslims did not attack enemies infidels. In the intense battle is rising from the dust near the "Kda" on the outskirts of Mecca <br>- either exposed us Aatmrna was open and exposed cover <br>exposed cover: - metaphor declarative through the removal of discord and enmity exposure cover <br>addresses poet Quraish infidels , saying if not getting in each other through our horses and Okhaleetm her way, we will visit House of God and open Mecca, and will disappear disbelief cover that obscured the light <br>- otherwise Vasberoa the executioner day glorify God in him whom he <br>threatens the poet Quraish infidels , saying: If you do not surrender to the army of Muslims tidings severe war conflict by swords, <br>and that day would enhance God 's Muslims and achieved the victory that God promised Bade.<br>The second idea: paying tribute to the Islamic call <br>and Gabriel Secretary of God in us and the Holy Spirit has no Kavae <br>praises the Islamic poet invitation sent by God through Gabriel and describes Jibril b (Holy Spirit) unparalleled in the transfer of the Islamic Dawa. <br>He says that he Unrivaled in the transfer of the Islamic call to the Prophet Muhammad. <br>God said , had sent a slave right says that the benefit of affliction <br>shows that God Almighty sent Prophet Muhammad , who does not say only the right to humanity, the people tested by faith or lack thereof. <br>Saw him, Vqoumoua Sedkoh! Yet ye do not and we want the <br>poet says that the security of the Prophet and his message, and call Quraish infidels to believe in him and to believe his message, but they refuse to call them and deny, <br>and say they do not want to believe the Prophet and his message.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
If you don't see it, it's a disease.<br>They're looking at the curses of elevators*** on her shoulders.<br>Our horses are still raining* *** slapping them with women's booze<br>Either they were exposed to us and we were exposed and the opening was open and the cover was exposed<br>Otherwise, be patient with the executioner of the day.** God bless him for what he wants<br>And Jibril Amin allah is in us*** and the Spirit of Jerusalem is not competent<br>He said God has sent a slave*** saying the truth that the benefit of the affliction<br>I witnessed it, and they believed him, so you said, "We don't do it, we don't want to."<br>And God said she has pleased a soldier *** they are the supporters offered by the meeting<br>us every day from a *** satire or a fight or satire<br>We judge the rhymes of our frenzy and strike when the blood is mixed.<br>Don't tell Abba Sofian about me.<br>That our swords left you a slave* *** and the servant of the house prevailed in the nod<br>I came to Muhammad and I answered him *** and to God in that penalty<br>Spell it, and I'm not competent.<br>I congratulated You by The Hanifa *** Aminullah Shimita Al-Wafa<br>Whoever insults the Messenger of God from you *** and praises him and his son whether<br><br>Analysis of Hassan Bin Thabet's Poem<br>Hassan ibn Thabet, the son of Al-Munther al-Ansari, is an Islamic ignorant, but he did not witness with the Prophet a scene that lived in Jahiliya for sixty years and in Islam for 60 years and died in a maaouiya caliphate.<br>The occasion of the poem<br>In the seventh year of hijra, there was a reconciliation between the Prophet and Quraysh, and muslims should be allowed to leave Mecca for hajj a year later. But Quraysh was the subject of this covenant, and the Prophet prepared a strong army to fight the polytheists and open Mecca. Poetry in ancient times was a means of public information. He said: "I will give them the mercy of your hair, i tighten them from the swords." Their determination to fight the polytheists and open Mecca unless Quraysh agrees to the Muslims entering Mecca and performing umrah, and responds to Abu Sofian ibn al-Harith, who has been the prophet.<br>Key Ideas: Threatening the Infidels with a War in which Truth Wins <br>- Our horse's promise, if you don't see it, provokes the revamping of its promise suppraved:<br>Our lack of imagination: a propaganda style intended to influence. Stirring: A metaphor for the intensification of the battle<br>Our horses live if they do not attack you, any prayer for the horses of Muslims to die if they do not attack the evil enemies. In a fierce battle of dust, near Kada on the outskirts of Mecca.<br>- Either you offer us our time and the conquest and the light will be revealed<br>The cover was revealed: - a metaphor expressed the removal of discord and hostility by exposing the cover<br>The poet Kfar Quraish addresses, saying that if you do not block the path of our horses and clear the way for them, we will visit the house of God and open Mecca, and the cover of kufr that has blocked the light will be removed.<br>- Otherwise, become the executioner of a day when God will be supported by whoever he wants.<br>The poet Kfar Quraish threatens to say: If you do not surrender to the Army of Muslims, preach a fierce war with conflicting swords,<br>On that day, God will cherish Muslims and achieve the victory that God has promised his servants.<br>The second idea: praise the Islamic call<br>And Jibril is god's faithful in us and the spirit of The Holy One has nothing to do with it.<br>The poet praises the Islamic call sent by God through Jibril and describes Jibril as "the Spirit of Jerusalem" is unparalleled in the transmission of the Islamic da'wa.<br>He says that he has no counterpart in conveying the Islamic da'wa to the Holy Prophet.<br>And God said, "I have sent a saying of the right that we do."<br>It shows that Allah almighty sent our Lord Muhammad, who says only the truth to humanity, and experiences people with faith or not.<br>I've seen him, so believe him! You said, "We don't do, we don't want to."<br>The poet says that he believes in the Prophet and his message, and they invite the kuffaar of Quraysh to believe in him and believe his message, but they reject his call and disbelieve in it,<br>They say that they do not want to believe the Prophet and his message.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
We didn't imagine that if you didn't see them, they would put them on a date.<br>The dark Islamic elevator on their shoulders<br>Our horses are still unstable<br>We're supposed to open and open the lid<br>Otherwise, they put the agenda of the day, God bless him<br>Gabriel, Allah's secretary, Vienna, and Jerusalem are incompetent<br>And God said, I have sent a servant to tell the truth, the good of evil<br>Witnesses believe him. You say we don't do it. We don't make starch<br>God said that the soldiers who promoted the supporters of the meeting<br>Our preparation every day<br>Ruling our religious beliefs and fighting when the blood is mixed in qawfy<br>You're an empty toaster.<br>Our sword leaves your slave<br>Muhammad attacked him when Allah rewarded him<br>I didn't attack him enough<br>Attack blessing balahanifa<br>This is Allah's messenger to commend and win you<br>An analysis of Hassan Ibn tubit's Poems<br>Hassan Ibn thabitcang al Ansari is an advanced Islamic ignorant, but he did not witness a scene with the prophet living in ignorance for sixty years, in Islam for sixty years, he died in the successor of muawiya. He anointed and praised them and the kings of Rome.<br>Appropriate Poetry<br>In the seventh year of the migration, Allah's peace messenger reached a peace agreement a year later between him and the Muslims who had come to Mecca to visit. But soon, this covenant made the prophet blessed with a strong army fighting the infidels and the open Mecca. In ancient times, poetry was a means of public media. He stepped down and used the orders of the warring parties and the prophets. May he rest in peace, "he said." you attacked them, Hassan, your hair, and took them from the sword, so he thought that Hassan Ibn tubit would please Allah. Gulais and Muslim supporters and immigrant heroes salute, announce their determination to fight against heretics and open Mecca unless gulais agree to enter Muslim Mecca and Mecca's performance and age, and answer Abu Sufyan bin Tiller against the prophet.<br>The main idea is the threat of the unbelievers of war<br>Our horse, if you don't see where she's dating,<br>We lack imagination - the purpose and influence of propaganda. Euphemism in fierce battle<br>Our horses don't live, if they don't attack you, any praying Muslim horse dies, if they don't attack the enemies of the infidels. In a fierce battle, dust rises in the outskirts of Mecca<br>They show us our practice and conquest and uncovering<br>Uncover: lessons from disputes and hostility<br>The poet Kfar gulais said that if they do not oppose our horses and destroy their way, we will visit the temple of the holy God, open Mecca, remove the blasphemous cover and stop the light<br>Otherwise, they put their skin one day, God's darling, what he wants<br>The poet Kfar gulais threatened that if they did not surrender the Muslim army to start a fierce war, a sword of conflict,<br>It's a day when Allah will promote Muslims and achieve victory, and God promised his worship.<br>The second idea is to praise the invitation of Islam<br>Gabrielle, Allah's secretary is not enough for us and the Holy Spirit<br>Praising the poet's Islam and praying for God's sending<br>
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